CS620 202 Evolution of Database Systems (V-U)
- Course:Modelling and Simulation (V-U)
- Discipline:Basic and Health Sciences
- Institute:Virtual University
- Instructor(s): Prof. Dr. Muaz Naizi
- Level:Undergraduate
Modelling and Simulation (V-U)
- CS620 001 Introduction (V-U)
- CS620 003 When it is not (V-U)
- CS620 002 When simulation is the appropriate tool (V-U)
- CS620 004 Advantages and Disadvantage (V-U)
- CS620 005 Disadvantages of Simulation (V-U)
- CS620 006 Areas of application (V-U)
- CS620 007 Military applications (V-U)
- CS620 008 System and Environment (V-U)
- CS620 009 System Concepts (V-U)
- CS620 010 Components of a system (V-U)
- CS620 012 Model of a system (V-U)
- CS620 011 Discrete and Continuous (V-U)
- CS620 013 Types of Models (V-U)
- CS620 026 Simulating a Random Service Time (V-U)
- CS620 014 Discrete Event Simulation (V-U)
- CS620 027 Simulating a Random Arrival Time (V-U)
- CS620 015 Steps in a sim. Study: Planning (V-U)
- CS620 028 Framework for Spreadsheet Simulatio… (V-U)
- CS620 029 Framework Simulation Table Design (V-U)
- CS620 016 Steps in a sim. Study: Conceptualization (V-U)
- CS620 030 Framework using Discrete event simulation (V-U)
- CS620 017 Steps in a sim. Study: Data Collection (V-U)
- CS620 019 Steps in a sim. Study:Experimental … (V-U)
- CS620 031 Framework using Discrete event simulation (V-U)
- CS620 018 Steps in a sim. Study:Verification … (V-U)
- CS620 020 Steps in a sim. Documentation (V-U)
- CS620 032 Framework using Discrete event simulation (V-U)
- CS620 021 Steps in a sim. Study: Logs & Reports (V-U)
- CS620 033 Framework using Discrete event simulation (V-U)
- CS620 022 Steps in a sim. Study: Phases Overview (V-U)
- CS620 034 Framework using Discrete event simulation (V-U)
- CS620 036 Event Scheduling Time advance algorithm (V-U)
- CS620 023 Simulation Case Studies Basic steps (V-U)
- CS620 035 Event Scheduling Time advance algorithm (V-U)
- CS620 025 Simulating a Coin Toss (V-U)
- CS620 037 Event Scheduling Time advance algorithm (V-U)
- CS620 024 Basics of a Spreadsheet Simulation (V-U)
- CS620 038 Event Scheduling Time advance algorithm (V-U)
- CS620 039 World views – I (V-U)
- CS620 040 World views – II (V-U)
- CS620 042 Manual Simulation-II (V-U)
- CS620 041 Manual Simulation (V-U)
- CS620 043 Manual Simulation-III (V-U)
- CS620 044 Statistical Models in Sim (V-U)
- CS620 045 Review of Terms-I (V-U)
- CS620 046 Review of Terms-II (V-U)
- CS620 048 Review of Terms- IV (V-U)
- CS620 047 Review of Terms-III (V-U)
- CS620 052 A Thought Experiment (V-U)
- CS620 049 Useful models – I (V-U)
- CS620 051 Why Agent-Based Modeling? (V-U)
- CS620 053 Complex Systems and Emergence (V-U)
- CS620 050 Useful models – II (V-U)
- CS620 054 Understanding Complex Systems and E… (V-U)
- CS620 055 Example 1: Integrative Understandin… (V-U)
- CS620 056 Example 2: Differential Understanding (V-U)
- CS620 058 Example: Predator-Prey Interactions (V-U)
- CS620 057 Agent-Based Modeling as Representat… (V-U)
- CS620 059 Example: Forest Fires (V-U)
- CS620 060 What Is Agent-Based Modeling? (V-U)
- CS620 061 Ants (V-U)
- CS620 076 Tradeoffs of ABM (V-U)
- CS620 062 Creating the Ant Foraging Model (V-U)
- CS620 077 Creating Simple Agent-Based Models:… (V-U)
- CS620 063 Expressional ProteomicsResults and … (V-U)
- CS620 065 What Is Agent Based Modeling? (V-U)
- CS620 078 Life-II (V-U)
- CS620 064 What Good Is an Ant Model? (V-U)
- CS620 066 Agent-Based Models vs. Other Modeli… (V-U)
- CS620 079 Life-III (V-U)
- CS620 067 Randomness vs. Determinism (V-U)
- CS620 080 Simple Economy-I (V-U)
- CS620 068 When Is ABM Most Beneficial? (V-U)
- CS620 081 Simple Economy-II (V-U)
- CS620 082 Simple Economy-III (V-U)
- CS620 069 Trade-offs of ABM (V-U)
- CS620 083 Simple Economy-IV (V-U)
- CS620 070 What Is Needed to Understand ABM? (V-U)
- CS620 072 Beginner NetLogo Explorations (V-U)
- CS620 084 Econophysics (V-U)
- CS620 071 Explorations (V-U)
- CS620 073 Ants and Other Model Explorations (V-U)
- CS620 086 Exploring and Extending Agent-Based… (V-U)
- CS620 085 NetLogo: Agentsets and Lists (V-U)
- CS620 074 Concept Explorations (V-U)
- CS620 087 Characteristic Features of ABM (V-U)
- CS620 075 NetLogo Explorations (V-U)
- CS620 088 Fire Model (V-U)
- CS620 089 Fire Model: Basic Model (V-U)
- CS620 090 First Extension: Probabilistic Tran… (V-U)
- CS620 091 Second Extension: Adding Wind (V-U)
- CS620 093 The Diffusion-Limited Aggregation (V-U)
- CS620 092 Third Extension: Allow Long-Dis… (V-U)
- CS620 094 First Extension: Probabilistic Sticking (V-U)
- CS620 095 Second Extension: Neighbor Influence (V-U)
- CS620 096 Third Extension: Different Aggregation (V-U)
- CS620 101 First Extension: Adding Multiple Et… (V-U)
- CS620 097 Segregation Model (V-U)
- CS620 099 Description of the Segregation Model (V-U)
- CS620 102 Second Extension: Allowing Diverse Stacking (V-U)
- CS620 098 Description of the Segregation Model (V-U)
- CS620 100 Simulation of the Segregation Model (V-U)
- CS620 103 Third Extension: Adding Diversity (V-U)
- CS620 104 CITIES Project (V-U)
- CS620 105 EI Farol Bar (V-U)
- CS620 107 Second Extension: Average, Min and … (V-U)
- CS620 106 First Extension: Color Agents (V-U)
- CS620 108 Third Extension: Histogram reward values (V-U)
- CS620 109 Advanced Modelling Applications (V-U)
- CS620 110 Creating Agent-based Model (V-U)
- CS620 112 Choosing Your Questions (V-U)
- CS620 111 Designing your Model (V-U)
- CS620 113 A Concrete Example (V-U)
- CS620 114 Choosing Your Agents (V-U)
- CS620 115 Choosing Agent Properties (V-U)
- CS620 126 Collections of Agents (V-U)
- CS620 128 Agent Cognition (V-U)
- CS620 116 Choosing Agent Behavior Choosing Pa… (V-U)
- CS620 127 The Granularity of an Agent (V-U)
- CS620 129 Other Kinds of Agents (V-U)
- CS620 117 Choosing Parameters of Model (V-U)
- CS620 119 Examining a Model (V-U)
- CS620 130 Environments (V-U)
- CS620 118 Summary of the Wolf Sheep Simple Model (V-U)
- CS620 120 Multiple runs (V-U)
- CS620 131 Spatial Environments (V-U)
- CS620 121 Predator-Prey Models (V-U)
- CS620 132 Network-Based Environments (V-U)
- CS620 123 The Components of Agent-Based Model… (V-U)
- CS620 133 Special Environments (V-U)
- CS620 122 Advanced Modeling Applications (V-U)
- CS620 124 Agents (V-U)
- CS620 134 interactions (V-U)
- CS620 125 Properties & Behaviors (V-U)
- CS620 135 Observer/User Interface (V-U)
- CS620 136 Schedule (V-U)
- CS620 138 Types of Measurements (V-U)
- CS620 137 Analyzing Agent-Based Models (V-U)
- CS620 139 Modeling the Spread of Disease (V-U)
- CS620 140 Statistical Analysis of ABM (V-U)
- CS620 141 The Necessity of Multiple Runs within ABM (V-U)
- CS620 142 Using Graphs to Examine Results in ABM (V-U)
- CS620 144 Environmental Data and ABM (V-U)
- CS620 143 Analyzing Networks within ABM (V-U)
- CS620 145 Correctness of a Model (V-U)
- CS620 146 Verification (V-U)
- CS620 147 Communication (V-U)
- CS620 151 Sensitivity Analysis and Robustness (V-U)
- CS620 148 Describing Conceptual Models (V-U)
- CS620 150 Beyond Verification (V-U)
- CS620 152 Verification Benefits and Issues (V-U)
- CS620 149 Verification Testing (V-U)
- CS620 154 Macrovalidation vs. Microvalidation (V-U)
- CS620 153 Validation (V-U)
- CS620 155 Face Validation vs. Empirical Validation (V-U)
- CS620 156 Validation Benefits and Questions (V-U)
- CS620 157 Replication (V-U)
- CS620 158 Replication of Computational Models (V-U)
- CS620 159 Benefits of replication (V-U)
- CS620 160 Recommendations For Model Replicaton (V-U)
- CS620 162 Complex Adaptive Systems (V-U)
- CS620 161 Recommendations for Model Authors (V-U)
- CS620 163 History (V-U)
- CS620 164 Complexity (V-U)
- CS620 165 Adaptation (V-U)
- CS620 166 Systems Approach (V-U)
- CS620 168 Agent-based Approach (V-U)
- CS620 176 Exponential Distribution (V-U)
- CS620 167 Modeling of CAS (V-U)
- CS620 169 Complex Network-based Modeling (V-U)
- CS620 177 Triangular Distribution (V-U)
- CS620 170 Cognitive Agent-based Computing Framework (V-U)
- CS620 178 Characteristics of Queueing Systems (V-U)
- CS620 171 Useful Statistical Models (V-U)
- CS620 179 The Calling Population (V-U)
- CS620 180 System Capacity (V-U)
- CS620 172 Bernoulli Distribution (V-U)
- CS620 181 The Arrival Process (V-U)
- CS620 173 Binomial Distribution (V-U)
- CS620 182 Queue Behaviour and Queue Discipline (V-U)
- CS620 174 Poisson Distribution (V-U)
- CS620 183 Service Times and the Service Mechanism (V-U)
- CS620 175 Uniform Distribution (V-U)
- CS620 184 Queueing Notation (V-U)
- CS620 185 Long-run Measures Of Performance (V-U)
- CS620 186 Properties Of Random Numbers (V-U)
- CS620 187 Linear Congruential Method (V-U)
- CS620 188 Generation of Pseudo-random Numbers (V-U)
- CS620 190 Random Variate Generation (V-U)
- CS620 189 Tests for Random numbers (V-U)
- CS620 191 Inverse Transform Technique (V-U)
- CS620 192 Acceptance Rejection Technique (V-U)
- CS620 193 Other topics in Randomness (V-U)
- CS620 194 Data Collection (V-U)
- CS620 195 Identifying the Distribution (V-U)
- CS620 197 Selecting the Family of Distribution (V-U)
- CS620 196 Histograms (V-U)
- CS620 198 Quantile-Quantile Plot (V-U)
- CS620 199 Parameter Estimation (V-U)
- CS620 200 Preliminary Statistics: Sample Mean (V-U)
- CS620 201 Evolution of Computer Systems Archi… (V-U)
- CS620 202 Evolution of Database Systems (V-U)
- CS620 203 Evolution of Operating Systems (V-U)
- CS620 205 Need for Performance Evaluation (V-U)
- CS620 204 Evolution of Computer Networks (V-U)
- CS620 206 Role of Performance Evaluation (V-U)
- CS620 207 Overview of Performance Evaluation (V-U)
- CS620 208 Performance Metrics and Evaluation (V-U)
- CS620 209 Comparison of Two System Designs (V-U)
- CS620 226 Events (V-U)
- CS620 210 Independent Sampling with Equal Variable (V-U)
- CS620 212 Common Random Numbers (V-U)
- CS620 227 Measurements (sampling) (V-U)
- CS620 211 Independent Sampling with Unequal Variable (V-U)
- CS620 213 Confidence Intervals with Specified… (V-U)
- CS620 228 Intervals (V-U)
- CS620 214 Comparison of Several System Design… (V-U)
- CS620 229 Response (V-U)
- CS620 215 Bonferroni Approach to Multiple (V-U)
- CS620 230 Independence (V-U)
- CS620 216 Bonferroni Approach to Selecting (V-U)
- CS620 231 Randomness (V-U)
- CS620 217 Bonferroni Approach to Screening (V-U)
- CS620 232 Workloads (V-U)
- CS620 234 A Case Study (V-U)
- CS620 218 Metamodeling (V-U)
- CS620 233 Problems encountered in model (V-U)
- CS620 235 Introduction to Software Reliability (V-U)
- CS620 219 Simple Linear Regression (V-U)
- CS620 220 Testing for Significance of Regression (V-U)
- CS620 237 Software Reliability Growth Modeling (V-U)
- CS620 221 What Does 'Optimization via (V-U)
- CS620 236 Definitions and Software Reliability (V-U)
- CS620 238 Imperfect Debugging Modeling (V-U)
- CS620 222 Difficulties in Optimization (V-U)
- CS620 239 Imperfect Debugging Model with Perfect correction rate (V-U)
- CS620 223 Using Robust Heuristics (V-U)
- CS620 240 Imperfect Debugging with Introduced faults (V-U)
- CS620 224 Random Search: An Illustration (V-U)
- CS620 225 Introduction to performance evaluation (V-U)
- CS620 241 Software Availability Modeling (V-U)
- CS620 242 Model Description (V-U)
- CS620 244 Application of Software Reliability Assesment (V-U)
- CS620 243 Software Availability Measures (V-U)
- CS620 245 Optimal Software Release Problem (V-U)
- CS620 246 Statistical Software Testing-Progress control (V-U)
- CS620 247 Optimal Testing-Effort Allocation (V-U)
- CS620 248 Introduction to formal modeling (V-U)
- CS620 249 Basic notation-?? (V-U)
- CS620 250 Basic notation-II (V-U)
- CS620 251 Classical Petri Nets-I (V-U)
- CS620 252 Classical Petri Nets-???? (V-U)
- CS620 253 Timed Petri nets I (V-U)
- CS620 254 Timed Petri nets II (V-U)
- CS620 255 Priority-based Petri nets (V-U)
- CS620 256 Colored Petri nets (V-U)
- CS620 257 Generalized Petri nets (V-U)