Coelomic Fluid, Hemplymph and Blood cellis Invertebrtaes (V-U)
- Course:Animal Form & Function-I (V-U)
- Discipline:Basic and Health Sciences
- Institute:Virtual University
- Instructor(s): Dr. Javed Iqbal
- Level:Undergraduate
Animal Form & Function-I (V-U)
- 128 Neurohypophysis (V-U)
- Accomodation of the eye (V-U)
- Acquired Immunity (V-U)
- Adaptations of Amphbian eye (V-U)
- Anatomy of Huamn ear (V-U)
- Anatomy of Human Eye (V-U)
- Anatomy of Vertebrate Brain II (V-U)
- Animal Muscles (V-U)
- Baroreceptors (V-U)
- Basic functional Units of nervous system (V-U)
- Blood Cells in Invertebrtaes (V-U)
- Blood Portal system in vertebrates (V-U)
- Blood pressure (V-U)
- Chemoreceptors (V-U)
- Ciculatory systems and its types (V-U)
- Coelomic Fluid, Hemplymph and Blood cellis Invertebrtaes (V-U)
- Common Eye Defects (V-U)
- Cranial nerves I (V-U)
- Cranial nerves II (V-U)
- Cutaneous respiration (V-U)
- differences between blood and lymph (V-U)
- Electrical conduction system of human heart (V-U)
- Electrocardiogram (V-U)
- endocrine System of Amphibians n Reptiles (V-U)
- Endocrine System of Fishes (V-U)
- Energy supply for muscle contraction (V-U)
- Evolutionary Perspective of veretebrtae haerts (V-U)
- Fish musculature (V-U)
- Form and function evolutionary concept (V-U)
- Frequently asked questions about muscle (V-U)
- Frequently asked questions about skelaton (V-U)
- Gas Exchange Respuratory surfaces (V-U)
- Georeceptors (V-U)
- Gills respiration (V-U)
- Hearing and Equilibrium in Water (V-U)
- Hearing in birds (V-U)
- Hearing in Reptiles (V-U)
- Hearing of Human ear (V-U)
- Hearts & circulatory Systems of Birds and Mammals (V-U)
- Hearts & circulatory Systems of Vertebrates (V-U)
- Hormones of Arthropod Insect (V-U)
- Hormones of Arthropods (V-U)
- Hormones of Echinoderms (V-U)
- Hormones of Molluscs and and Arthropoda (V-U)
- Hormones of Nematodes and Annelids (V-U)
- Hormones of Platyheilinthes and Nermert (V-U)
- Hormones of Porifea and Cnidarians (V-U)
- Hormonic control of Metamorphosis in Frog (V-U)
- Human Respiratory System Part I (V-U)
- Human Respiratory System Part II (V-U)
- Hygroreceotors (V-U)
- Integumentary system in multicellular invertebrates (V-U)
- Integumentary system of invertebrate(Protozoan) (V-U)
- Integumentary system of vertebrated skin of Birds (V-U)
- integumentary system of vertebrated skin of mammals (V-U)
- Integumentary system of vertebrates Bony fishes (V-U)
- Integumentary system of vertebrates Skin of Amphibians and reptiles (V-U)
- Integumentary system of vertebrates skin of jawless and cartilaginous fishes (V-U)
- introduction of Autonomic NS (V-U)
- Introduction of Chemical messenger (V-U)
- Introduction of Immune System (V-U)
- Introduction of Sensory Reception (V-U)
- Introduction of Transport in Animals (V-U)
- Introduction to nervous system (V-U)
- Introduction to protection,support and movement (V-U)
- Invertebrate Respiratory surfaces Part I (V-U)
- Invertebrate Respiratory System Part II (V-U)
- Invertebrate senory receptors (V-U)
- Ion Channel and Na K Pump (V-U)
- Lateral line System and electrical sensing (V-U)
- Lateral Line System and Mechanoreceptors (V-U)
- Light, Eye and Vision (V-U)
- Lung respiration in Amphibians and Reptiles (V-U)
- Lymphatic System (V-U)
- Mechanism of Hormone Action II (V-U)
- Mehanism of Hormone Action I (V-U)
- Mineralized tissues and the invertebrates (V-U)
- Movement and Support skelatol system in invertebrates (V-U)
- Movement Non muscular and muscular system (V-U)
- Muscular system of Invertebrates Terrestrial locomotion in invertebrates (V-U)
- Muscular system of vertebrates (V-U)
- Nerve impulse (V-U)
- Nervous system of some invertebrates (V-U)
- Nervous system of some invertebrates II (V-U)
- Neural pathway BlW rec and eff (V-U)
- Non Muscular movement (V-U)
- Non specific Defense Mechanism II (V-U)
- Non Specific Defense Mehanism I (V-U)
- NS in Vertebrates (V-U)
- Olfactory sense in various vertebratesTaste (V-U)
- Organs of immune system (V-U)
- Organs of immune system II (V-U)
- Overview of vertebrate ES (V-U)
- Passive Immunity (V-U)
- Phonoreceptors (V-U)
- Photoreception (V-U)
- Photoreceptors I (V-U)
- Photoreceptors II (V-U)
- Photoreceptors III Complex eyes (V-U)
- Physiology of the eye (V-U)
- Pineal gland (V-U)
- Protection Integumentary system (V-U)
- pumping action of human heart (V-U)
- Regulation of skelatal muscle contraction (V-U)
- Respiration in birds (V-U)
- Respiratory Pigments Part I (V-U)
- Respiratory Pigments Part II (V-U)
- Resting and Action Potential (V-U)
- Shining eyes (V-U)
- Skeletal system of invertebrates Endoskeleton (V-U)
- Skeletal system of vertebrates (V-U)
- Skeletal system of vertebrates Skeleton of Fishes (V-U)
- Skeleton of tetrapods and human (V-U)
- Skeleton system of Invertebrates Exoskeleton (V-U)
- skin sensor of mechanical stimuli (V-U)
- Skin sensors of damaging stimuli (V-U)
- Skin Sensors of heat and cold (V-U)
- Sliding filament model of muscle contraction (V-U)
- Sliding filament model of muscle contraction II (V-U)
- Smell or Olfaction (V-U)
- Some cardiovascular disorders (V-U)
- Some more Hormones in Arthropods (V-U)
- Sonar (V-U)
- Specific Defense Mechanism (V-U)
- Structure of Diff neurons II (V-U)
- Structure of skelatal muscle I (V-U)
- Structure of skelatal muscle II (V-U)
- Structure of skelatal muscle III (V-U)
- Summary of the chapter ''Protection,sipport and locomotion'' (V-U)
- Summary of the chapter II (V-U)
- Summary of the chapter Presentation (V-U)
- Summary Part III (V-U)
- Summary, Part I (V-U)
- Summary, Part II (V-U)
- Support and movement of Invertebrates Hydrostatic skeleton (V-U)
- Sympatheic and Parasym (V-U)
- Synapse and its role in NS (V-U)
- Tactile receptors (V-U)
- Taste in various vertebrates (V-U)
- Taste or Gustation (V-U)
- Testes (V-U)
- The Cardiac Cycle (V-U)
- The control of breathing (V-U)
- Themreceptors (V-U)
- Thyroid Disorders (V-U)
- Thyroid gland (V-U)
- Transport of Respiratory Gases Oxygen T (V-U)
- Transport System in Protozoa, Porifera ans Cnidaria (V-U)
- Transport System in Vertebrates (V-U)
- TS in Annelids, Molluscs Arthropds (V-U)
- TS in Flatworms and Pseudocoelomates (V-U)
- Tympanum in Amphians (V-U)
- Vaccine (V-U)
- Ventilation of human lungs (V-U)
- Vertebrate Blood Cells Part I (V-U)
- vertebrate Blood Cells part II (V-U)
- Vertebrate Blood Vessels (V-U)
- Vertebrate Brains (V-U)
- Vertebrate Respiratoy System (V-U)
- Vertebrate Sensory Receptors (V-U)
- Vertebrtae blood (V-U)
- Vision in Birds (V-U)
- Vision in Reptiles (V-U)