SCCI Digital Library

Applied Sciences

Computer Science

Advance Computer Architecture (V-U)

Advanced Algorithms (Harvard)

Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design (V-U)

Advanced Computer Networks (V-U)

Advanced Data Structures (M-I-T)

Artificaial Intelligence (M-I-T)

Become a Front-End Web Developer (Udacity)

Blockchain and Money (M-I-T)

Cloud Computing (V-U)

Compiler Construction (V-U)

Computer Engineering

Computer Graphics (V-U)

Computer Network (V-U)

Computer Science for Business Professionals (Harvard)

Computer System Engineering (M-I-T)

Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2006-2007) (Stanford)

Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2007-2008) (Stanford)

Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2008-2009) (Stanford)

Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2009-2010) (Stanford)

Computer Systems Security (M-I-T)

Computing (K-A)

Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (Stanford)

Creating Video Games (M-I-T)

Data Communication (2018) (V-U)

Data Communication (V-U)

Data Mining (V-U)

Data Structures (V-U)

Data Warehousing (V-U)

Database Management Systems (V-U)

Database Programming using Oracle 11g (V-U)

Deep Learning (MIT)

Deep Learning (Oxford)

Deep Learning (Stanford)

Design and Analysis of Algorithms (M-I-T)

Digital Logic Design (V-U)

Distributed DBMS (V-U)

E-Commerce (V-U)

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (M-I-T)

Formal Methods for Software Engineering (V-U)

Fundamentals of Algorithms (V-U)

Fundamentals of Front End Development (2016) (V-U)

Human Computer Interaction (V-U)

Human Computer Interaction Seminar (2009-2010) (Stanford)

Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (2007-2008) (Stanford)

Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (2008-2009) (Stanford)

Information Retrieval Techniques (V-U)

Information Systems (V-U)

Introduction to Algorithms, Fall 2011 (M-I-T)

Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, Fall 2016 (M-I-T)

Introduction to Computer Science (2019) (Harvard)

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Fall 2008 MIT)

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Spring 2011) (M-I-T)

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python . Fall 2016 (MIT)

Introduction to Computing (V-U)

Introduction to EECS II: Digital Communication Systems (M-I-T)

Introduction to Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (M-I-T)

Introduction to Network Design and Analysis (V-U)

Introduction to Neural Computation (M-I-T)

Introduction to Programming (V-U)

Introduction to Robotics (Stanford)

Introduction to Web Services Development (V-U)

IPhone Application Programming (Spring 2009) (Stanford)

Machine Learning (Stanford)

Mathematics for Computer Science (Spring 2015) (M-I-T)

Mathematics of Big Data and Machine Learning (M-I-T)

Mobile And Pervasive Computing (V-U)

Modern Programming Languages (V-U)

Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (Winter 2019) (Stanford)

Natural Language Understanding (Stanford)

Network Modeling and Simulation (V-U)

Network Performance Evaluation (V-U)

Network Security (2017) (V-U)

Network Security (V-U)

Object Oriented Programming (V-U)

Operating Systems (V-U)

Probability Stochastic Process (V-U)

Programming Abstractions (Stanford)

Programming for the Puzzled (January IAP 2018) (M-I-T)

Programming Methodology (Stanford)

Programming Paradigms (Stanford)

Reinforcement Learning (Stanford)

Routing and Switching (V-U)

Software Architecture and Design (V-U)

Software Design (V-U)

Software Engineering II (V-U)

Software Process Improvement (V-U)

Software Project Management (V-U)

Software Quality Assurance (V-U)

Software Quality Engineering (V-U)

Software Requirement Engineering (2009) (V-U)

System Programming (V-U)

The Battlecode Programming Competition (M-I-T)

The Society of Mind (M-I-T)

Theory of Automata (V-U)

Theory of Computation (V-U)

Underactuated Robotics, Spring 2009 (M-I-T)

Understanding Technology (Harvard)

Visual Programming (2014) (V-U)

Visual Programming (V-U)

Wireless Networks (V-U)

Writing and Hosting the Educational Show (M-I-T)