Topic 111 Enzyme linked receptors 2
- Course:Cell Biology (V-U)
- Discipline:Basic and Health Sciences
- Institute:Virtual University
- Instructor(s): Prof. Dr. Fridoon Jawad Ahmad
- Level:Undergraduate
Cell Biology (V-U)
- Topic 1 Introduction to Cell Biology
- Topic 10 Lipids: Saturated & Unsaturated
- Topic 100 The Modes and Principles
- Topic 101 The Modes and Principles II
- Topic 102 The Modes and Principles III
- Topic 103 Signalling in E.Coli
- Topic 104 G protein linked receptor
- Topic 105 Protein Kinases A
- Topic 106 G proteins
- Topic 107 G proteins vision
- Topic 108 Cell signalling and Us
- Topic 109 Cell signaling and memory
- Topic 11 Nucleic Acids: DNA & RNA
- Topic 110 Enzyme linked receptors
- Topic 111 Enzyme linked receptors 2
- Topic 112 Enzyme linked receptors 2
- Topic 113 RTK signalling gone wrong
- Topic 114 PI3 Kinase
- Topic 115 PKB apoptosis inhibition
- Topic 116 JAK-STAT signaling
- Topic 117 TGF-Beta receptor Family
- Topic 118 Proteolysis Signaling Pathways
- Topic 119 Immune system
- Topic 12 RNA & DNA
- Topic 120 Immune system 2
- Topic 121 Immune system 3
- Topic 122 AIS
- Topic 123 The B-Cells
- Topic 124 The B-Cells 2
- Topic 125 The Antibodies
- Topic 126 Immunological memory
- Topic 127 Acquired Immunological Tolerance
- Topic 128 Antibody diversity
- Topic 129 Class Switching
- Topic 13 Unit of Life
- Topic 130 T-Cells and TCR
- Topic 131 APCs activate T cells
- Topic 132 MHC
- Topic 133 Cytotoxic T cells
- Topic 134 Helper T Cells
- Topic 135 TH-1 and TH-2
- Topic 136 TH-2 B-Cell activation
- Topic 137 Checks and Balances
- Topic 138 Complement System
- Topic 139 Complement System 2
- Topic 14 Journey into the Cell
- Topic 140 The Alternative Pathway
- Topic 141 Neoplastic Transformation
- Topic 142 Growth promoting oncogenes
- Topic 143 Growth promoting oncogenes Cyclins and CDKs
- Topic 144 Growth promoting oncogenes Cyclins and CDKs
- Topic 145 DNA Repairing genes
- Topic 146 Apoptosis Genes
- Topic 147 Protein Sorting
- Topic 148 Protein Sorting Mechanism
- Topic 149 Nuclear Transport
- Topic 15 Size Matters
- Topic 150 Nuclear localization signals [NLSs]
- Topic 151 Nuclear Receptors
- Topic 152 The Ran Cycle
- Topic 153 Control of import and export
- Topic 154 Protein Transport into Mitochondria
- Topic 155 The Translocators
- Topic 156 ER Transport Introduction
- Topic 157 ER Transport
- Topic 158 Traslocation
- Topic 159 Multipass Transmembrane Proteins
- Topic 16 The Nucleus
- Topic 160 Vesicle Transport
- Topic 161 COPI
- Topic 162 COPI the Retrieval Process
- Topic 163 Lysosomal Transport
- Topic 164 Endocytosis
- Topic 165 Tissue Replacement
- Topic 166 Organ repair via stem cell
- Topic 167 Customized stem cells
- Topic 168 Adult stem cells
- Topic 169 Cytokines induced stem cell proliferation and differentiation
- Topic 17 Ribosomes
- Topic 170 In-vitro organ/tissue fabrication
- Topic 171 Rules and cell culturing equipment
- Topic 172 Cell culturing equipment
- Topic 173 Getting started
- Topic 174 Mammalian cell culture
- Topic 175 Culturing Cells
- Topic 176 Sub culturing and cell banking
- Topic 177 Identifying different stages of cell cycle
- Topic 18 The Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Topic 19 Golgi & Lysosomes
- Topic 2 Composition of Matter
- Topic 20 Mitochondria
- Topic 21 Cytoskeleton-1
- Topic 22 Cytoskeleton-2
- Topic 23 Motor Proteins
- Topic 24 The Miracle Workers
- Topic 25 Energy
- Topic 26 Free Energy
- Topic 27 Exergonic & Endergonic Reactions
- Topic 28 ATP Hydrolysis
- Topic 29 Enzymes
- Topic 3 Molecules of Life
- Topic 30 Enzymes Mechanisms
- Topic 31 Enzyme Helpers
- Topic 32 Enzyme Regulation
- Topic 33 Membranes
- Topic 34 Membrane Components
- Topic 35 Recognition and Adhesion
- Topic 36 Transport across membranes
- Topic 37 Vesicle formation
- Topic 38 Cell division
- Topic 39 Cell Cycle
- Topic 4 Proteins: Polymers of Amino Acids
- Topic 40 Chromosome
- Topic 41 Mitosis
- Topic 42 Chromosomes
- Topic 43 Meiosis-I
- Topic 44 Meiosis-II
- Topic 45 Meiosis-Continued
- Topic 46 Comparison-(Mitosis-Meiosis)
- Topic 47 Genetics introduction
- Topic 48 Mendel Experiment
- Topic 49 Learned lesson-Mendel Experiment
- Topic 5 Protein Structure
- Topic 50 Mendels first law of segregation
- Topic 51 Mendels second law
- Topic 52 Aberrant Phenomenna
- Topic 53 Linkage and recombination
- Topic 54 Genetics Maps
- Topic 55 Clinical Genetics-I
- Topic 56 Clinical genetics-I
- Topic 57 X linked disorders
- Topic 58 Multifactorial disorders
- Topic 59 Cytogenetic disorders
- Topic 6 Protein Interaction
- Topic 60 Autosomal genetic disorders
- Topic 61 Cytogenetic disorders of sex chromosome
- Topic 62 Search for heredity molecules
- Topic 63 Search for heredity molecules 2
- Topic 64 Investigating heredity molecules
- Topic 65 DNA function from structure
- Topic 66 Replication models
- Topic 67 DNA replication the molecular view
- Topic 68 DNA replication the process
- Topic 69 The Dilemma 1
- Topic 7 Carbohydrates: Sugar Polymers
- Topic 70 The Dilemma 2 & 3
- Topic 71 PCR technology
- Topic 72 PCR animation
- Topic 73 PCR
- Topic 74 Detecting amplified DNA
- Topic 75 Gel electrophoresis animation
- Topic 76 PCR technology application
- Topic 77 DNA Fingerprinting
- Topic 78 DNA Sequencing
- Topic 79 Restriction Endonucleases
- Topic 8 Carbohydrates: Glycosidic linkages
- Topic 80 Genetic Engineering
- Topic 81 RFLP
- Topic 82 DNA Transfer
- Topic 83 Genetic information is converted into proteins
- Topic 84 Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
- Topic 85 Transcription
- Topic 86 Genetic code
- Topic 87 Charging tRNA
- Topic 88 Translation workbench
- Topic 89 Translation
- Topic 9 Lipids: Nonpolar Hydrocarbons
- Topic 90 Protein targeting
- Topic 91 Mutations
- Topic 92 Transcription regulation
- Topic 93 Transcription regulation in E.Coli
- Topic 94 Transcription regulation in E.Coli 2
- Topic 95 Transcription Regulation in Eukaryotes
- Topic 96 Eukaryotic Transcription
- Topic 97 RNA Processing
- Topic 98 Cell signalling and prehistoric world
- Topic 99 The Instructions and the Design