BIO502 132 Cis acting elements (V-U)
- Course:Genomics (V-U)
- Discipline:Basic and Health Sciences
- Institute:Virtual University
- Instructor(s): Prof. Dr. Jamil Ahmad
- Level:Undergraduate
Genomics (V-U)
- BIO502 001 What is genetics (V-U)
- BIO502 002 Sub discipilines of Genetics (V-U)
- BIO502 003 Genetics Terminologies (V-U)
- BIO502 004 Mendel s’ law of Dominance (V-U)
- BIO502 005 Monohybrid Cross and Dihybrid Cross (V-U)
- BIO502 006 Mendel s’ law of Segregations (V-U)
- BIO502 007 Mendel s’ law of Independent Assort… (V-U)
- BIO502 008 Modern Genetics Concepts (V-U)
- BIO502 009 Heredity (V-U)
- BIO502 010 Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 011 Conclusions of Mendelian Inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 012 Exceptions to Mendelian Inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 013 Incomplete Dominance (V-U)
- BIO502 014 Co-dominance (V-U)
- BIO502 015 Polygenic traits (V-U)
- BIO502 016 Epistasis (V-U)
- BIO502 017 Pleiotropy (V-U)
- BIO502 018 Environmental Effects (V-U)
- BIO502 019 Euchromatin and Heterochromatin (V-U)
- BIO502 020 Staining and Banding Chromosomes (V-U)
- BIO502 021 Nucleosomes (V-U)
- BIO502 022 Chromatin and Chromosomes (V-U)
- BIO502 023 Higher Order Chromatin Folding (V-U)
- BIO502 024 Kinetochore (V-U)
- BIO502 025 Karyotyping (V-U)
- BIO502 026 Prokaryotic Chromosomes (V-U)
- BIO502 027 Sex Chromosomes and Sex determination (V-U)
- BIO502 028 Salient features of DNA (V-U)
- BIO502 029 Nucleotides – building blocks of DN… (V-U)
- BIO502 030 Conformations of DNA (V-U)
- BIO502 031 Chargaff Rule of Base Ratio (V-U)
- BIO502 032 Cell Cycle (V-U)
- BIO502 033 Summary – Mitosis and Meiosis (V-U)
- BIO502 034 Concept of Multiple Alleles (V-U)
- BIO502 035 Multiple Alleles – our blood group (V-U)
- BIO502 036 Blood groups and Transfusions (V-U)
- BIO502 037 Multiple alleles effect in rabbits (V-U)
- BIO502 038 Correlation of Alleles and Genotype… (V-U)
- BIO502 039 Polygenic Inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 040 Examples of Polygenic inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 041 What is Epistasis (V-U)
- BIO502 042 Types of Epistasis (V-U)
- BIO502 043 What is Epigenetics (V-U)
- BIO502 044 Epigenetic Modifications (V-U)
- BIO502 045 Chromosomal Aberrations (V-U)
- BIO502 046 Karyotyping- international descript… (V-U)
- BIO502 047 Defining Chromosome Location (V-U)
- BIO502 048 Common Numerical Abnormalities (V-U)
- BIO502 049 Non-disjunction (V-U)
- BIO502 050 Trisomy (V-U)
- BIO502 051 Monosomy (V-U)
- BIO502 052 Polyploidy (V-U)
- BIO502 053 Alloploidy (V-U)
- BIO502 054 Polyploidy and Aneuploidy (V-U)
- BIO502 055 Structural Abnormalities (V-U)
- BIO502 056 Translocations (V-U)
- BIO502 057 Chromosomal Deletions (V-U)
- BIO502 058 Chromosomal duplication (V-U)
- BIO502 059 Chromosomal Inversions (V-U)
- BIO502 060 Inheritance Patterns of Genetic Dis… (V-U)
- BIO502 061 Autosomal Recessive Inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 062 Autosomal Dominant Inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 063 X-linked recessive inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 064 X-linked dominant inheritance (V-U)
- BIO502 065 Maternal inheritance of mt DNA (V-U)
- BIO502 066 Polymerases I and III (V-U)
- BIO502 067 Polymerases I and III (Conti…) (V-U)
- BIO502 068 RNA Splicing (V-U)
- BIO502 069 How splicing site is determined (V-U)
- BIO502 070 Removal on Introns (V-U)
- BIO502 071 The Spliceosome (V-U)
- BIO502 072 The Splicing Pathway (V-U)
- BIO502 073 Self-Splicing Introns (V-U)
- BIO502 074 Group I Introns (V-U)
- BIO502 075 Finding the Splice Sites Correctly (V-U)
- BIO502 076 Introduction to genomics (V-U)
- BIO502 077 Functional Genomics (V-U)
- BIO502 078 Structural genomics (V-U)
- BIO502 079 Comparative genomics (V-U)
- BIO502 080 Population Genomics (V-U)
- BIO502 081 Metagenomics (V-U)
- BIO502 082 Genetics and Genomics (V-U)
- BIO502 083 Genomics, Proteomics and metabolomi… (V-U)
- BIO502 084 Why sequence genomes (V-U)
- BIO502 085 Genome characterization-technique u… (V-U)
- BIO502 086 Genome analysis steps (V-U)
- BIO502 087 Benefits of Genomes research (V-U)
- BIO502 088 Genes and Sizes of Genomes (V-U)
- BIO502 089 Viral Genomes (V-U)
- BIO502 090 Bacterial genomes (V-U)
- BIO502 091 Yeast genome (V-U)
- BIO502 092 Mitochondrial genome (V-U)
- BIO502 093 Chloroplast genome (cpDNA) (V-U)
- BIO502 095 Genomes Comparison (V-U)
- BIO502 094 Eukaryotic genomes (V-U)
- BIO502 096 Comparing distantly and closely rel… (V-U)
- BIO502 097 Anatomy and organization of genome (V-U)
- BIO502 098 Gene anatomy (V-U)
- BIO502 099 Prokaryotic gene and eukaryotic gen… (V-U)
- BIO502 100 Types of eukaryotic DNA (V-U)
- BIO502 101 Duplicated genes and Pseudo genes (V-U)
- BIO502 102 Repetitive DNA (V-U)
- BIO502 103 Mobile DNA (V-U)
- BIO502 104 Movement of transposons and retrotr… (V-U)
- BIO502 105 Transposons in Prokaryotes and Euka… (V-U)
- BIO502 106 Long terminal repeats (V-U)
- BIO502 107 LINE and SINES (V-U)
- BIO502 108 Genetic Variations (V-U)
- BIO502 109 Gene families and Gene clusters (V-U)
- BIO502 110 Types of Proteins and families (V-U)
- BIO502 111 Gene densities (V-U)
- BIO502 112 Genome evolution (V-U)
- BIO502 113 Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis (V-U)
- BIO502 114 Genes tree and species tree (V-U)
- BIO502 116 Genome evolution – Nucleotide subst… (V-U)
- BIO502 115 Mitochondrial Genome Evolution (V-U)
- BIO502 117 Genome evolution CpG mutation rate (V-U)
- BIO502 118 Genome evolution – Indels (V-U)
- BIO502 119 Genome evolution Gene conversion (V-U)
- BIO502 120 Genome evolution-Gene Duplications (V-U)
- BIO502 121 Genome Evolution Exons Shuffling an… (V-U)
- BIO502 122 Genome evolution – Recombination ho… (V-U)
- BIO502 123 Genome evolution double stranded breakage (V-U)
- BIO502 124 Genome evolution chromosomal rearrangement (V-U)
- BIO502 125 Gene expression mechanisms (V-U)
- BIO502 126 Gene expression and gene switches (V-U)
- BIO502 127 inducible and repressible sysytems (V-U)
- BIO502 128 Regulation of gene expression in pr… (V-U)
- BIO502 130 Eukaryotic gene expression (V-U)
- BIO502 129 Operon Model of prokaryotes (V-U)
- BIO502 131 Control of gene expression in Eukaryotes (V-U)
- BIO502 132 Cis acting elements (V-U)
- BIO502 133 Trans acting elements (V-U)
- BIO502 134 Gene expression and RNA interference (V-U)
- BIO502 135 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Expression (V-U)
- BIO502 136 Genome mapping (V-U)
- BIO502 137 Genetic mapping of the Genomes (V-U)
- BIO502 138 Genetic Markers (V-U)
- BIO502 140 DNA markers (V-U)
- BIO502 139 Characteristics of the genetic mark… (V-U)
- BIO502 141 Applications of Molecular markers (V-U)
- BIO502 142 Physical mapping of the genome (V-U)
- BIO502 143 Cytogenic mapping (V-U)
- BIO502 144 FISH mapping (V-U)
- BIO502 145 Restriction mapping of the genoome (V-U)
- BIO502 146 Radiation hybrid mapping of the gen… (V-U)
- BIO502 147 Clone contig mapping of the genome (V-U)
- BIO502 148 Generating Sequence of the genomes (V-U)
- BIO502 149 Human Genome Project (V-U)
- BIO502 150 Human Genome Project- Hierarchical … (V-U)
- BIO502 151 Human Genome Project- Whole Genome … (V-U)
- BIO502 152 Characteristics of our Genome part … (V-U)
- BIO502 153 Characteristics of our Genome part … (V-U)
- BIO502 154 Gene Functions (V-U)
- BIO502 155 Genome Browsers UCSC (V-U)
- BIO502 156 Genome Browsers ENSEMBLE (V-U)
- BIO502 157 The hap map project (V-U)
- BIO502 158 the 1000 genomes (V-U)
- BIO502 159 HGP ethical and legal issues (V-U)
- BIO502 160 HGPfuture challenges (V-U)
- BIO502 161 Genome annotations Protein coding g… (V-U)
- BIO502 162 genome annotations : transcription … (V-U)
- BIO502 163 Genes predictions in prokaryotes (V-U)
- BIO502 164 Gene Predictions in Eukaryotes (V-U)
- BIO502 165 Arabidopsis Genome (V-U)
- BIO502 166 Mouse genome (V-U)
- BIO502 167 Comparison between mouse and human … (V-U)
- BIO502 168 Proteomics Types and Techniques (V-U)
- BIO502 169 Characteristics of Human Proteome (V-U)
- BIO502 170 Transcriptome (V-U)
- BIO502 171 Mapping of disease genes (V-U)
- BIO502 172 Type of linkage analysis (V-U)
- BIO502 173 Genome wide association studies (V-U)
- BIO502 174 Association studies vs linkage stud… (V-U)
- BIO502 175 Microarrays (V-U)
- BIO502 176 Types of microarray (V-U)
- BIO502 177 Microarray Formats (V-U)
- BIO502 178 Microarray-Procedure (V-U)
- BIO502 179 Microarray-chips (V-U)
- BIO502 180 Microarray – Applications (V-U)
- BIO502 181 Types of RNA and RNomics (V-U)
- BIO502 182 Non coding DNA (V-U)
- BIO502 183 Non coding RNAs (V-U)
- BIO502 184 miRNA (V-U)
- BIO502 185 Biogenesis of miRNA (V-U)
- BIO502 186 Functions of miRNA (V-U)
- BIO502 187 Mode of action miRNA (V-U)
- BIO502 188 Non coding RNA and X chromosome Sil… (V-U)
- BIO502 189 RNA Induced Silencing Complex (V-U)
- BIO502 190 siRNA (V-U)
- BIO502 191 Dicer and Drosha (V-U)
- BIO502 192 Design of siRNA (V-U)
- BIO502 193 Applications of siRNA (V-U)
- BIO502 194 Ribozymes (V-U)
- BIO502 195 Metalloribozymes (V-U)
- BIO502 196 Small ribozymes and riboswitches (V-U)
- BIO502 197 Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomi… (V-U)
- BIO502 198 Pharmacogenomics principles and pot… (V-U)
- BIO502 199 Study of Omics (V-U)