BIF601 068 Features and functions (V-U)
- Course:Bioinformatics Computing I (V-U)
- Discipline:Basic and Health Sciences
- Institute:Virtual University
- Instructor(s): Dr. Muhammad Usman Ghani Khan
- Level:Undergraduate
Bioinformatics Computing I (V-U)
- BIF601 001 Database (V-U)
- BIF601 002 Database Advantages (V-U)
- BIF601 003 Data Management (V-U)
- BIF601 004 Database Software (V-U)
- BIF601 005 Computer Network (V-U)
- BIF601 006 Data communication (Part I) (V-U)
- BIF601 007 Data communication (Part II) (V-U)
- BIF601 008 Communication tasks and protocols (V-U)
- BIF601 009 Topology (V-U)
- BIF601 010 Topology and Transmission modes (V-U)
- BIF601 011 Geographical Scope and Communication (V-U)
- BIF601 012 Communication Models and transmission (V-U)
- BIF601 013 Communication Models and transmission II (V-U)
- BIF601 014 Communication Models and transmission III (V-U)
- BIF601 015 Bandwidth/Frequency Spectrum (V-U)
- BIF601 016 Network Security (V-U)
- BIF601 017 Information retrieval and Search engine (V-U)
- BIF601 018 informationretrievalintro (V-U)
- BIF601 019 IRModels (V-U)
- BIF601 020 IRevaluationMeasures (V-U)
- BIF601 021 IRinBiologicalDBs (V-U)
- BIF601 023 searchengines (V-U)
- BIF601 022 IRinBioinformatics (V-U)
- BIF601 024 MLEvaluation (V-U)
- BIF601 025 searchenginecategories (V-U)
- BIF601 026 EMRs (V-U)
- BIF601 027 EHRs (V-U)
- BIF601 028 Knowledge discovery (V-U)
- BIF601 029 knowledgediscoverytechniques (V-U)
- BIF601 030 Bayes’ theorem (V-U)
- BIF601 031 Decision Tree (V-U)
- BIF601 032 Neuralnetworks (V-U)
- BIF601 033 Association rule (V-U)
- BIF601 034 Clustering (V-U)
- BIF601 035 Machinelearning (V-U)
- BIF601 036 Mlapplications (V-U)
- BIF601 037 MLOtherApplications (V-U)
- BIF601 038 Data integration (V-U)
- BIF601 039 Problems with data integration (V-U)
- BIF601 040 Pattern Finding (V-U)
- BIF601 041 Brute Force Algo (V-U)
- BIF601 042 KMP Algo (V-U)
- BIF601 043 KMP Prefix function (V-U)
- BIF601 045 Boyer Moore Algo (V-U)
- BIF601 046 Dot Plots (V-U)
- BIF601 047 Scoring Scheme (V-U)
- BIF601 048 Substitution Matrices (V-U)
- BIF601 049 Optimal Algos (V-U)
- BIF601 050 Needleman_wunch Algos (V-U)
- BIF601 051 Needleman_wunch Execution (V-U)
- BIF601 052 Smith_waterman Algo (V-U)
- BIF601 053 PSA Complex Models (V-U)
- BIF601 054 Computer Programs (V-U)
- BIF601 055 Programming languages (V-U)
- BIF601 056 Java Introduction (V-U)
- BIF601 057 Anatomoy of Java Program (V-U)
- BIF601 058 Introduction to BioJava (V-U)
- BIF601 059 Alphabets, Symbols and Sequences (V-U)
- BIF601 060 CentralDogma (V-U)
- BIF601 061 SequenceInputOutput (V-U)
- BIF601 062 FeaturesandAnnotations (V-U)
- BIF601 063 Protein structure modules (V-U)
- BIF601 064 AlignmentModule (V-U)
- BIF601 065 Matlab introduction (V-U)
- BIF601 066 MatlabBasics (V-U)
- BIF601 067 BioInformaticsToolbox (V-U)
- BIF601 069 bioinfarmatics tasks (V-U)
- BIF601 068 Features and functions (V-U)
- BIF601 070 Phylogentic analysis (V-U)
- BIF601 071 proteinsandaas (V-U)
- BIF601 072 Intoduction To Python (V-U)
- BIF601 073 Python Basics (V-U)
- BIF601 074 BioPython Basics (V-U)
- BIF601 075 Intoduction To BioPython (V-U)
- BIF601 076 Sequence Object (V-U)
- BIF601 077 Phylogenetic tree IO (V-U)
- BIF601 078 PHP part-1-I (V-U)
- BIF601 079 PHP part-1-II (V-U)
- BIF601 080 PHP part-2 (V-U)
- BIF601 084 Multiple Sequence Alignment (V-U)
- BIF601 085 More on Multiple Sequence Alignment (V-U)
- BIF601 086 Progressive Alignment for MSA (V-U)
- BIF601 087 MSA Example (V-U)
- BIF601 088 CLUSTAL (V-U)
- BIF601 089 Structure Visualization – I (V-U)
- BIF601 090 Structure Visualization – II (V-U)
- BIF601 091 Experimental Determination of Proteins (V-U)
- BIF601 092 Protein Data Bank (V-U)
- BIF601 093 Visualization Techniques (V-U)
- BIF601 094 Online Resources for Protein Visualization (V-U)
- BIF601 095 Types of Protein Visualizations (V-U)