Advanced Quantum Mechanics (STF)
AP®︎/College Physics 1 (K-A)
AP®︎/College Physics 2 (K-A)
Atomic and Optical Physics I (M-I-T)
Atomic and Optical Physics II (M-I-T)
Breakthrough Junior Challenge (K-A)
Centripetal force and gravitation (K-A)
Classical Mechanics (Fall 1999) (M-I-T)
Convex Optimization (Stanford)
Cosmic Origin Of The Chemical Elements (Fall 2019) (M-I-T)
Cosmology and astronomy (K-A)
Discoveries and projects (K-A)
Effective Field Theory (Spring 2013) (M-I-T)
Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation (UCI)
Electric charge, field, and potential (K-A)
Electricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics
Electricity and Magnetism: Magnetic Fields and Forces