SCCI Digital Library

Literature and Linguistics

Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies (Spring 2017) (M-I-T)
ConLangs: How to Construct a Language (M-I-T)
Creole Language and Caribbean Identities (Spring 2017) (M-I-T)
Darwin and Design (Fall 2010) (M-I-T)
Graduate Technical Writing Workshop (M-I-T)
How to Speak (M-I-T)
Introduction to Theory of Literature (Yale)
Language and Literacy (UCI)
Philosophy in Film and Other Media (M-I-T)
Philosophy of Film (MIT)
Philosophy of Love in the Western World (MIT)
The American Novel Since 1945 (Yale)
The Film Experience (Fall 2013) (M-I-T)
The Nature of Creativity (MIT)
Topics in Semantics: Negative Polarity Items (M-I-T)
Understanding Television (Spring 2003) (M-I-T)